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Fifth Grade

Here in fifth grade we prepare our students for the next step of their educational career, the magical land known as middle school. We engage in a variety of activities and expectations to prepare them for this important step. In fifth grade, students do not stay with only one teacher all day for all classes, they switch teachers for classes like ELA and math. This helps make the jump in sixth grade to a different teacher for every subject smoother and less intimidating. We teach them to prepare for their daily schedule and to make sure they are prepared with all materials needed from their lockers. We engage them through a rigorous reading curriculum in which we read numerous books, both fiction and nonfiction. In math, students will work with fractions and decimals, multiplication and division of whole numbers, volume, and coordinate planes, along with practice with other critical skills. We explore the sciences of astronomy, ecosystems, and matter. In social studies we will study economics and American history, from the birth of the constitution to the civil war and reconstruction. We extend learning opportunities with several carefully planned field trips to off site locations like the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Gettysburg, JA Biztown, and the Ashland Nature Center. It can be intimidating to contemplate the knowledge that middle school is right around the corner but we endeavor to make the transition as smooth and effortless as possible.