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General Music & Chorus at Claymont Elementary!
Claymont students will be making music this year with Ms. Rash or Ms. Taylor. General music classes are once a week, for 45-minutes. Students will be learning how to read and write music, play a variety of instruments, improve their singing voices, perform folk dances, and much more! We will showcase our hard work throughout the school year at our winter and spring concerts. 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to join band, chorus, and orchestra! Mrs. Allen is our Band Director, Mrs. Braddock is our orchestra Director, and Ms. Rash is our Chorus Director (M-F). Please email each director with any questions!
Instrumental Music
Claymont students will be making orchestral music this year with Mrs. Jeanmarie Braddock and Mrs. Jane Cannon. Students will be learning how to read and write music and play a variety of instruments. We will showcase our hard work throughout the school year at our winter and spring concerts and during the BSD Orchestra and Band Festivals.  4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to join band and orchestra!  From beginner to advanced, lessons are scheduled during the school day to support students musical technique and development. Ms. Cannon is our Band Director (M-W) and Mrs. Braddock is our orchestra Director (Th-F). Please email each director with any questions!