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Physical Education

Welcome to Physical Education at Claymont Elementary!
Love to run, jump, play, and learn new sports and activities?  Well Physical Education (aka Gym) is the place to be!  My name is Kristyn Baker; I am the full time PE at Claymont. If your student does not have me, they will have Nikki Rogers who is here on Thursday‘s or Kyle Frazier, who is here on Friday’s. One of the most important goals of kids' sports is helping children develop a sense of good sportsmanship. All of the PE teachers are incorporating this important skill into our daily lessons. Please be aware of the day that your child has physical education. In order for students to actively participate, they need to come to class prepared. For safety reasons, children must wear sneakers in PE class. Sandals, street shoes, Crocs and boots will not be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation! We participate in Kid’s Heart Challenge to raise money for the American Heart Association.