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School Counseling

Vision Statement
Claymont students of all backgrounds will grow to become productive members of society with the support of a comprehensive school counseling program.  Our students are introduced to a higher standard of rigorous learning, and therefore they will be college and career ready.  They will excel socially and emotionally in order to meet the everyday expectations of a demanding and technologically advanced society.
Mission Statement
Classroom counseling lessons, small group and individual counseling are utilized to deliver a comprehensive program to our student body. Framed in the ASCA standards, the Claymont Counseling Program (SEED - Socia-Emotional-Educational Development) is designed to build strong character leading to motivated and empowered student leaders.  Collaborative communication is an essential part of our program's success; ensuring parent and staff understanding , acceptance and cooperation as we deliver all aspects of our counseling service model.  The School Counselor will advocate for all students and locate and coordinate the necessary community resources in order to maximize the academic and social capabilities of our children.