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Mindfulness at Claymont

Claymont Elementary School Cultivates Curiosity, Kindness & Concentration with Mindfulness
Claymont Elementary School staff and students are beginning to experience the practice of Mindfulness with the help of Linda Lonergan, LPCMH and Mindfulness Teacher. Mindfulness is the act of bringing friendly awareness to the present moment; we practice paying attention to what is happening right now, trying not to judge the experience as good or bad.
Our week begins with a Mindful Monday, as Ms. Linda teaches both the students and teachers a new mindfulness lesson. With the help of teachers, the children are practicing Mindfulness in a variety of ways throughout the week. Lessons include: Mindful Breathing, Mindful Listening, Mindful Seeing, and Sending Kind Thoughts and Gratitude. Teachers are noticing children stop and pause to use a mindfulness practice to help them manage difficult emotions. Practice helps each of us to learn to pause, notice, breathe, and choose.
Teachers engage in the Mindfulness practice with the children during the lessons with Ms. Linda and join other teachers after school to share in their new practice of mindfulness.
By planting the seeds and cultivating mindfulness with practice, Claymont hopes to continue growing the practice throughout the community to foster learning and staff and student well-being.